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Running school events can be challenging and time-consuming, especially when it’s an important event with hundreds of attendees. As a result, many schools make mistakes and cause unwanted stress for staff, students, and parents. 

Here are five common mistakes schools make and how you can avoid them:

  1. Not Checking In Your Students Before Events 

Planning a school event is a massive task, but it’s even trickier when you don’t check in your students before events. If you use a digital ticketing system, you can track who’s present, ask students why they didn’t attend, know how many people attended, and ensure maximum safety for parents and students. 

In addition, you can effortlessly calculate your profits by using digital tickets for events. You can determine the average amount each student spent because you’ll know how many people attended. 

  1. Failing To Set Clear Targets 

It’s impossible to create the best school events if you don’t set clear targets. One of the best ways to set targets is using the KPI method. You can set KPIs for bringing in new audiences, increasing overall attendance, creating a more prominent online presence, and generating a better atmosphere between staff, students, and children. 

Furthermore, you can create better plans for school events in the future if you set targets now. It will enable you to adjust your events if you fail to meet targets on upcoming events. 

  1. Not Using Social Media To Promote The Event

As the use of social media continues to grow among younger generations, using social media to promote your event is a must. Some schools have poor social media presence, resulting in a low turnout and lack of awareness. 

Schools can boost social media awareness by creating photo opportunities. If you hire a professional photographer, there’s an excellent chance the attendees will post pictures of themselves on social media from the event. 

  1. Not Creating Safety Procedures 

When you run school events, there can be health and safety problems. If you have any health and safety issues, it can ruin the event and damage the school’s reputation

However, it’s not all bad; you can prevent problems by creating safety procedures. These may include:

  • Issuing a pre-event brief to all staff 
  • Having crowd control measures 
  • Ensuring all equipment is safe 
  • Hiring external staff 
  • Allowing emergency service access
  • Using event ticketing software to prevent overcrowding and security concerns

You should plan these health and safety procedures long before the event takes place. 

  1. Creating Boring Events 

Your school events must be fun for the staff, students, and parents. Traditional school events—such as sports days and graduation events—will always attract big crowds. However, there are many fun events you can use:

  • Career days 
  • Pie a teacher 
  • Students vs. parents competitions 
  • A family feast 
  • An art contest 

These are unique events that bring the school community together. 

Make Your School Events Incredible 

You don’t need to make mistakes before school events. By using a digital ticketing system for schools, you can plan better events, ensure safety, and track your profits. 

At Ticketing4Schools, we have the perfect event ticketing system for you. Contact us for more information.